Thursday, May 28

One Week Later

One week later and a little bit of stress has been taken off my shoulders
one unit from my studies down

One week later and the sun is out again
once again feeling a slight ounce of warmth

One week later, Emiliana Torrini's sweet tunes fill
one little heart ... (lend me your wings, and show me how to fly)

One week later I'm still putting off my drypoint etchings for
one little hand-drawn owl in a small hat takes approximately
one hour to scratch into the surface of the plastic

One week later, and
one week more
I'll be free of several kinds of burdens

Thursday, May 21


This day was spent indoors while the wild wind
Thrashed and the rain it crashed;
The weather more vicious than
The day before.
Though I do love the thought of being cosy at home, I
Think that heading out and braving the weather tomorrow may be tough
Things that are making me happy today: forgotten (pretty) blogs, Chris Martin, copious amounts of tea and knitted berets

You know...

My Character Flaws
  • I'm a big whinger. I hate whingers. I blame the fact that I'm apart of Gen Y

  • I'm awfully shy with people that I don't know very well

  • My anxiety tends to get the better of me

  • I'm pretty terrible at making conversation, and can therefore make situations a bit awkward for people

  • I'll only get things done if I'm in the mood to do it, actually enjoy doing it, or I know I'll be in trouble if I don't...

  • My attention span is poor when it comes to doing assignments. Here I am, writing a blog, when my best intentions for the day were to spend the whole time getting an assignment done.

  • I'm not as warm and caring as I would like to be with people

  • I made a conscious decision a few years back to stop being creative in making jokes. Mostly because, even though they were funny, they were mean. So now I don't know how to use my sense of humour... Don't ask me to tell a joke.

  • I'm quiet. My voice does not project.

  • I tend to spend more time thinking rather than doing

Who knows, perhaps listing these things will make them seem more insignificant, and therefore I'll be able to get past them easier? These points make me a little sad though, because I've worked towards getting over these things in the past, and even had some progress, but then I go back to uni or something and I'm bitter and twisted all over again.

Lucky the mid-year break is coming up in a few weeks!

Wednesday, May 20


Warm breakfasts for chilly mornings, bowls are filled with porridge
Weary eyes cease to exist this early morning, for I am
Wide awake, ready to face this
Wicked day on
Which the weather will play tricks on us, drowning its sunshine
With clouds and wind and rain