Friday, June 26

A World Away

image by lunar122192 @ deviantart
"It is as if I had a string somewhere under my left ribs, tightly and inextricably knotted to a similar string situated in the corresponding quarter of your little frame."
[Edward Rochester] - Charlotte Bronte, 'Jane Eyre'

Friday, June 12

Paper Dolls, Handmade Dresses

Paola Zakimi dolls

Some months I'll buy my copy of Frankie magazine and never manage to find the time to do any more with it than give it a quick flick-through. I'll end up looking through it again after a month or so and realise all the preciousness I've deprived myself of, as was the case last night.

Having had to plan a lesson on paper-mache sculpture as part of an assignment, the write up on Paola Zakimi's beautiful creatures left me several kinds of awe-inspired. Her lovely paper-mache dolls are calm and quaint, sweet and innocent, filled with the world's secrets that they will never share.

I can admit that I am now stupidly inspired to make a paper-mache piece as one of my winter holiday projects thanks to the wonderful Miss Zakimi

Thursday, June 11

Down the Rabbit Hole

Image by Tim Walker

Yesterday marked the last day of uni/assessments for the semester! While there is a slight sense of freedom, I feel more as though my world has been turned upside down. What with the parents away on holidays, my new role is 'mum' - and who knew it would be more stressful than the piles of uni work I had to get through? I've never been so greatful towards what my mum does for us. Also have never been so annoyed with my sister for being so fantastic at creating mess and not doing anything about it... but that's another story I suppose...

Point is, I'll have more time on my hands (at home at least) now hopefully. So fingers crossed to some more posting-a-happening :)